Listen to over 50 million tracks online with Free Music - music & songs,mp3. You can search and play music from anywhere and import downloaded MP3 and music video files from other downloaders for offline playback. Supporting formats like mp3, mp4, mpeg1-4, avi, and 3gp, Free Music - music & songs,mp3 offers an extensive array of audio enjoyment catering to diverse preferences and ensuring unrestricted musical experiences.
Free Music Downloads
This app enables the download of MP3 files labeled under 'Free Music' for offline play, without requiring a Wi-Fi connection. While the free music selection is currently limited due to copyright constraints, expansions will occur as more licenses are acquired. Users are encouraged to remain patient and supportive of future updates.
Quick Music Discovery
Take advantage of quick and efficient music searches, yielding numerous related songs in an instant. Input song titles, artist names, album titles, or relevant keywords to retrieve the exact song you are seeking. In addition, enjoy updated rankings of trending songs and playlists, ensuring access to the latest and most popular tracks.
Customized Listening Experience
Create and customize an unlimited number of playlists, arrange song orders, and rename playlists at no extra cost. Free Music - music & songs,mp3's player allows uninterrupted playback while you multitask across other apps. Downloaded music can be enjoyed offline supporting formats such as mp3, mp4, mpeg1-4, avi, and 3gp. Take advantage of features like shuffle, repeat play, and a sleep timer to further enhance your listening experience.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.4 or higher required
I love this app, I was using it on my android phone.